About this site

The site documents different immersive audio-visual experiences visited around the globe. As such it is not aimed to cover everything currently going on at the scene but we have selected some showcases that we found interesting in terms of creativity and technology. We hope to inspire others to explore and visit some of the installations described here if they are still playing.

The site is created by AVidia which is an AV-consulting facilitator providing independent advisory, technical event management and support for events, installations, digital media projects, conferences, exhibitions, live streaming and software development.

Check out our professional services here where you also can find contact information if you have suggestions for other interesting installations worth a visit.

  • Ryoji Ikeda
  • WhoMadeWho
  • Lightroom
  • Outernet
  • Echoes of the Earth: Living Archive
  • Van Gogh
  • Frameless
  • Delight
  • The Refusal of Time
  • Copenhagen Light Festival
  • Dark Matter
  • khroma